As today alhamdulillah , you are officially 26 !
You’re getting older..we wish u more stoger ,istiqomah , gentlement and so on make wish Allah blessed another hajat,dreaming ..keep Allah in your heart ,keep belived u gonna to be success because Allah !
Well, the most precious things about getting older are experiences and memories you’ve been through.
Those memories build your life as if pieces which build a big jigsaw puzzle.
And, it’s not only you do the puzzle of life , i hope It’s me taking part of it, as well as your lovely parents, friends, and everyone you know make your live sweetst.
All the bitter and sweet memories, those are unforgettable and priceless.
It makes you strong to face the future.
I know we’re separated by takdir right now, but keep beliving if we can always become true friends so long after the next our life in akhirat .
Because of that, I’m really sorry that I missed many pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of your life.
Me, just be able to do my best to be right beside you as soon as possible, to build pieces together of our life but yes at now we are friends . I will try and learn to better friend on your live .
For your birthday, I’m always wishing that everything you wish for the best of you could come true.
May Allah guides and blesses you through the right path in every decision you’ll have to make.
As a present for your birthday, I’ve made something but at the moment i think not make U happy so i will keep that for next meet on the new condition :) .
Let’s continue build love ,spirit until our last breath becouse Allah and someone else beloved person espsecially your parrent .
Happy birthday once again. Sorry couldn’t be right beside you right now and just be able to present you with this non classy present.
However, I’ve made it with my heart and hope that you’d like it.
Becouse me failed take a moment and time, so please view this
NB : Maunya bikin animasi sendiri halah kacau idenya malah aku sendiri kurang puas episode lah ya aku bikin video animasi gitu ..
awalnya mau beli kue ultah tapi ga ada kesan klo dimakan sendiri ..mau beliin kado jacket tpi muter pun ga minat semua modelnya ... ntah kemaren kepikiran mau bikin hadiahnya itu skenarionya gini .
"kita bawa kue ulang tahun di sekolah anak jalanan d bawah jembatan di depan CL itu atau ke posko banjir tapi kog ya diguyur ujan n jalanan tidak bersahabat dan pke acara motor musti periksa ke bengkel dan kamu ga ada waktu lagi "-- ini dream plus obsesi dari lamaa dari zaman ultahku ... jadi pgen fist moment menginjak tambah umur itu kita bisa lebih banyak berbagi ..nah ini berbagi tulisan puanjang dan bahasanya mohon d translate sendiri :D