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Senin, 14 April 2014

Proposal Chalenge Part II


Dearest Allah ,

Kali ini sekalian latihan nulis bahasa inggris , karena chalenge ke 2 berhubungan dengan keliling dunia .
So U can speak english active .  Well  we will try to written in english .
Nanti kalau umurku panjang dan punya kesempatan,saya minta ke Allah untuk ini ..ini sebenarnya impian  long last before the day i'm noted the imagine and hope to book dairy when we still 9 years old .

If Allah ridho with my plan i will go any location arrounds the world with my beloved Imam :) .
My inspiration Blog beautiful Sis Mrs. Delonika   so awesome blog ,so inspiration .
Not only i can imagine the holiday but also we find 2nd blog inspiration DUA BACKPACKER wow so cool ...I wants like her ,have husband that also like travelling .
I Loved travelling so much ,and i also with U .

